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Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Organize your MONEY

Hello Fellow Bloggers:

When I first got the In & Out Software I set up 4 bank accounts, registered my software, made my a Master spread sheet and never looked at it again. I need to follow through more often. I have now set up a basket for mail and bills and this Friday I will pay bills and check my mail.

In know if I procrastinate the mail will pile up and I will become very frustrated and overwhelmed.

I am so glad I went to the In & Out Cash Management Club this Monday. I am back on track due to Mr. Parker and his team of professionals. I thank you all for taking the time to help us.


1 comment:

Elealeh S, CEO 4 Life said...

Great job Pam! You are really becoming more personally aware and beginning to think positively about managing your money.