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Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Organize your Finances

I am on my way to getting my life Organized!!! I have listed to the CD on Organize your money and also was able to attend the INandOUT Club kick off event. I have played with the software now for a few months and really like the way it is setup . I have created 4 separate accounts at the bank and find it is not as difficult as I first thought to move the money between account and keep track of the transactions. It's actually quite simple. And the best part is now I can "SEE" what money I have available in the different accunts which is making it easier to plan for furture events and projects I need to do.
I am still working of SAFET projects around the home and at work. It is amazing what a little effort each day will do toward accomplishing a goal you have. I am 33 years old and have tried for years to get organized and never realized how simple it really is given the right tools and keeping a positive mindset. I just realized this past week that there is nothing you can't accomplish if you have the desire and set your mind to it. It just a frame of mind.


Julie Parker, Social Media Executive said...

Hi William,

What a great post. I have to agree with you. I opened the 4 accounts also and it was quite easy to spend up my general spending account and just transfer more.

After the In and Out cash management class I felt reminded that I need to stick to the percentages and curtail my spending based on those figures.

I am really excited about the tools we are learning.

Oh, I also am working on my SAFET projects. I started a kitchen pantry, bathroom cabinet and my office...

I have alot done on the closet and the purse is a weekly task now.

Thanks for sharing.


Elealeh S, CEO 4 Life said...

Creating structure with our money is easier than we think. We must implement the systematic approach taught to us, so that we can have better organization of where our money is. We don't want to end up like Joe.
Giving ourselves a visual of our inflows, cash-in and outflows allows us to see the path our money travels. It allows us to make adjustments as neccessary, see our negative patterns and then learn to make better committments with our money.