Begin Your Journey To Becoming A CEO by First Understanding Personal Awareness; Now That you've completed the personal awareness course. Let see how positive thinking can increase you endeavors of becoming a CEO.; It is Imperative that all CEO's must first be themselves to express themselves in a business; management; business; business training; centered; entrepreneurship training; life organization; startup; stellar; value; you are a ceo; Mr. Parker explains why lifeskills are important; A Formal Introduction About Mr. Michael Parker;

Start Your Own Business and See How You Do

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Understanding Value

When I start a blog, I always say how great or wonderful each DVD is. I can’t help it… they are all great. These DVD’s are on another level. I’m happy that I have tools of this magnitude that I can listen to over and over again to make me a better CEO of my personal and professional life.

Satisfying a customer is what matters to a customer. Mr. Parker’s statement regarding there is “something that you have tapped into if someone is buying your product”. Being able to find what is driving a customer, what makes them purchase what they purchase and then providing them the service that drives them is a key element to satisfying a customer. This is something that I started doing with the desserts that I prepare. I have tried various desserts and began to determine what can be improved with a particular dessert as well as listening to others about what’s important to them or what will satisfy them when partaking in a slice of cake or pie. The feedback I received was quality in taste and having moist cakes.

If more companies took the time to find out what their customers value as Mr. Parker stated, they would be more successful.


Julie Parker, Social Media Executive said...

Thank Katrina,

You are always so positive. I love that.

Feedback is importand and I have heard about your cakes!

Off the subject do you have a website?

You may want to do a StellarVision video about your company to promote it.

I would love to submit a story proposal about a baking show.

I will however have an issue with the taste testing...

I am trying to diet.

Ha ha ha


Katrina H, CEO4life said...

Hi Julie -

Let's talk off line when you have time. I'm open to your ideas.
