Begin Your Journey To Becoming A CEO by First Understanding Personal Awareness; Now That you've completed the personal awareness course. Let see how positive thinking can increase you endeavors of becoming a CEO.; It is Imperative that all CEO's must first be themselves to express themselves in a business; management; business; business training; centered; entrepreneurship training; life organization; startup; stellar; value; you are a ceo; Mr. Parker explains why lifeskills are important; A Formal Introduction About Mr. Michael Parker;

Start Your Own Business and See How You Do

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Positive Thinking

I am very thankful for the CEO Executive Club- this membership is empowering me to make some positive changes in my behavior.

It is week two and I have just finished listening to the Positive Thinking CD. I am beginning to schedule my time (which positively impacts my time management behavior) to make sure I complete my assignments. I need the structure; it helps me not fall into the trap of procrastination.

Also, as I begin to explore “Who I am”, those things that influence my behavior, understanding those dominate thoughts, etc.; you can then begin to focus or pinpoint negative behaviors/patterns of thought/fears and re-direct or change your mindset. For to long, I have ignored this area, allowing procrastination or avoidance to trap my thinking. Addressing these areas head-on but “thinking with a positive” attitude takes the sting out of the effort and gives me the power for success.

In response to Mr. Fulton’s question, I am taking positive steps to remove those traps that have hindered me, and I am beginning to see some seedlings grow and by the time I complete the series I will have a bunch of fruit, producing positive results – yeah!

On another note, in the review document, question 19, the key indicated A, the last part of the answer, “She treats her parents with disrespect”, didn’t really seem to fit, so I went with C. Am I using to much of my left brain?


Pam H, CEO 4 LIfe said...

Hi Terry:

Thanks for the information. I went with C also on #19.


Elena C, CEO4life said...

I discovered.. hmm.. well, not really a discovery, more so of a confirmation that I am 66% lefty. So, I went with C as well.