Begin Your Journey To Becoming A CEO by First Understanding Personal Awareness; Now That you've completed the personal awareness course. Let see how positive thinking can increase you endeavors of becoming a CEO.; It is Imperative that all CEO's must first be themselves to express themselves in a business; management; business; business training; centered; entrepreneurship training; life organization; startup; stellar; value; you are a ceo; Mr. Parker explains why lifeskills are important; A Formal Introduction About Mr. Michael Parker;

Start Your Own Business and See How You Do

Tuesday, July 31, 2007


Once again, after listening to the audiobook on Positive Releationships I am opening my eyes for the first time. In the past I have always looked at relationships as "we ethier get along or we don't." And when we didn't "Personality Conflict" was the usual detirmination. Now I must consider that there is more too it than personality. I might not like someones personality but if being around them is causing me to want to do better in different areas of my life, I have to say that is a Positive Relationship. I agree with Geneva's comment that this class and Forum is a Positive Relationship. I also enjoyed reading Elana's success story. That was a positive success!

This really does come down to Being the CEO OF MY OWN LIFE. The information I have been learning so far in this Suite is so basic yet I'm hearing things for the first time in my life. This format is so fitting too. Positive Relationships can't be achieved without a Positive Mind frame which I can't successfully attain until I am Persnally Aware of myself. I am still going back to Personal Awareness and reflecting on my past and it seems like with each audio Book I listen too I also learn somthing else about myself.

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