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Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Customer Values Are the Only Values

I have heard it said over and over that if the customer is not satisfied nothing else matters.

What a customer values is what we must live by. As Marquita said, a customers values are not necissarily your own.

Such as in the Southwest example. Southwest gives low fares and frequent flights to most of the places we travel. Is that Southwests goal? No. Southwest wants to make a profit for shareholds and expand their company but to stay in business they provide what their customers value.

That is smart. That is Value-Centered Management.

1 comment:

Pam H, CEO 4 LIfe said...

Hello JulieP

I agree with you whole heartly. That is what makes me a repeat customer at Southwest. I did not know why I kept rebooking with Southwest until I took this classes.

Thank you for all the team support.
