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Saturday, September 1, 2007

Organizing My Time!

Hi Fellow CEO's!
Before I watched the Organize Your Time DVD, I took a few minutes to think about the five questions in the Workbook. I also completed the review questions and the case study activities. This was all very helpful in motivating me to "Plan to succeed".

Yes I have tried organizing my active day before, and I know from experience that activities that are planned are more likely to get done than those that are not - but with human nature it is easier to "go with the flow". So, with the guidelines of "Organize Your Time DVD and Workbook" I have again created a more realistic weekly / monthly schedule for myself that I will implement - starting...NOW!

BTW, I have maintained my first SAFE-T project and have competed a second. I have scheduled myself through discipline, perseverance and determination to reach my goal of a CEO 4 LIFE :-)

Thanks to all for your encouragement and confidence - we are well on our way...!

1 comment:

Pam H, CEO 4 LIfe said...

I have enjoyed reading your blogs, keep up the good work.
I have organized my time for doing my homework.
Pam Harris