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Start Your Own Business and See How You Do

Friday, September 21, 2007

Business Culture

Well . . . I have a lot to think about. I've enjoyed and learned alot over the past 2 months. I think we have the knowledge now of what we need to do and have had some successes in beginning to apply these ideas to our businesses and lives. Now we just need to keep learning and working on implimenting these things we have learned. I think the greatest thing I've taken away from this is we have the ability to change and become as successful as we want to be, all we have to do is start walking and don't give up! Sounds corny . . . but it's truth!

1 comment:

Julie Parker, Social Media Executive said...

Hey William,

I loved what you said. I dont think it is corney.

I love the same thing.

I am empowered to change me.

How great is that?

It's the only person we really can truly change.
