Begin Your Journey To Becoming A CEO by First Understanding Personal Awareness; Now That you've completed the personal awareness course. Let see how positive thinking can increase you endeavors of becoming a CEO.; It is Imperative that all CEO's must first be themselves to express themselves in a business; management; business; business training; centered; entrepreneurship training; life organization; startup; stellar; value; you are a ceo; Mr. Parker explains why lifeskills are important; A Formal Introduction About Mr. Michael Parker;

Start Your Own Business and See How You Do

Saturday, September 29, 2007

I Lost Some Baggage

Dear Friends,

I noticed yesterday that I had lost some baggage. Not my luggage but my emotional baggage. I don't know exactly when and how it happened but I know it was the You Are a CEO program.

I feel different. I am happier and more open. I feel more secure with who I am and I know it's because "I GOT SKILLS". HA HA HA

I have learned the Executive Lifeskills from this program.

I am really happy and really thankful.

I am a CEO!

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Understanding Value

When I start a blog, I always say how great or wonderful each DVD is. I can’t help it… they are all great. These DVD’s are on another level. I’m happy that I have tools of this magnitude that I can listen to over and over again to make me a better CEO of my personal and professional life.

Satisfying a customer is what matters to a customer. Mr. Parker’s statement regarding there is “something that you have tapped into if someone is buying your product”. Being able to find what is driving a customer, what makes them purchase what they purchase and then providing them the service that drives them is a key element to satisfying a customer. This is something that I started doing with the desserts that I prepare. I have tried various desserts and began to determine what can be improved with a particular dessert as well as listening to others about what’s important to them or what will satisfy them when partaking in a slice of cake or pie. The feedback I received was quality in taste and having moist cakes.

If more companies took the time to find out what their customers value as Mr. Parker stated, they would be more successful.

Business Culture

Hello Fellow CEO's,

WE MADE IT! We are at the last section of the Roadmap to a successful CEO4Life! It has been a wonderful program with many educational ideas. I watched the Business Culture DVD and completed the review questions from the perspective of "I am in the business of me - I am the CEO of me". I agree that customer satisfaction is a direct result of team member satisfaction - I have to be satisfied with myself. I can now discipline myself to do the right thing on a daily basis.

Value-Centered Culture captures implementation of K.I.N.D. I feel I can now Keep my customers happy with the service I provide them. Daily I will Initiate constant communication with those I render service to. I will Never leave a customer unhappy and finally, I will Deliver on promises I have made to my customers.

I do not intend to make this the end of my pursuit of an organized life. I would like to schedule regular follow-up visits to "You Are A CEO4Life" - this will ensure a culture of improvement in our lives. I'm still striving - I don't want to let down for a moment on improvement. Thanks again to all of you and especially to Mr. Michael Parker for providing this instrument by which we can grow.

Business Fundamentals

This DVD provided essential tools to help a person with their business or things for people to think about that are interested in starting a business.

I enjoyed each segment of the DVD. Everything Mr. Parker discussed makes sense and it is things one would think everyone is aware of but we’re not. With all of these DVDs and the wonderful material provided, there is no reason that everyone shouldn’t be successful.

The segment on Cost Reduction and Unnecessary Movement was huge for me. At my place of employment, we order so many note pads, pens, batteries, etc because staff never wants to be without a notepads and other items. I’m trying to get my director to understand that we won’t be without the necessary tools if our supplies are management correctly. We also got rid of our copier and we’re using another department’s copier that is on the other end of the floor. When the copier is being serviced, we’re going to other floor or waiting for servicing of the copier to be completed. WHAT A WASTE. Since I take care of the budget for the department, I’m trying to work on making changes for the better in some of these areas.

I have been equipped with a lot of wonderful tools to better my professional and personal life. It’s now a matter of implementing what I’ve learned and staying consistent with it.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Business Culture

Well . . . I have a lot to think about. I've enjoyed and learned alot over the past 2 months. I think we have the knowledge now of what we need to do and have had some successes in beginning to apply these ideas to our businesses and lives. Now we just need to keep learning and working on implimenting these things we have learned. I think the greatest thing I've taken away from this is we have the ability to change and become as successful as we want to be, all we have to do is start walking and don't give up! Sounds corny . . . but it's truth!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Come Out, Come Out, Wherever You Are!

Some of you are hiding.

We want to hear from you on this blog.

if you are having a mind blockage call me

if you are having technical

issues we
are hear to help 510 741 2045.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Business Culture

This module was like the icing on the cake. It pulled together all the other modules and gave me a total picture of what is like to be a successful CEO. It has given me tools to help me in school. It has also helped me to evaluate the things I need to start my own business. It has given me a great sense of reality of what are my strengths and weaknesses. I am going to keep taking VCMI classes and add onto the foundation that I received from this course.

Thank you


business culture

Business Culture: This is the last module in our roadmap to success. I have thoroughly enjoyed this time I have spent learning about myself to become a CEO4Life. I want to start a new roadmap to success all over again.

To learn about business culture in new and exciting way. I have been implementing what I have learned at my place of employment. I enjoyed the part about effective communication. Especially when I seem to have trouble communicating with a coworker.

I have started going out to lunch to have one on one communication and it is working.


Customer Values Are the Only Values

I have heard it said over and over that if the customer is not satisfied nothing else matters.

What a customer values is what we must live by. As Marquita said, a customers values are not necissarily your own.

Such as in the Southwest example. Southwest gives low fares and frequent flights to most of the places we travel. Is that Southwests goal? No. Southwest wants to make a profit for shareholds and expand their company but to stay in business they provide what their customers value.

That is smart. That is Value-Centered Management.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Customer Value

Hi Fellow CEO's,

The Customer Value review questions and DVD reminded me of schooldays - when it was time to receive report cards. Each teacher was letting you (and your parents) know what he or she thought you had learned from what was taught. Now that I am an employed adult - it is the annual "Performance Appraisals". As with the teacher, your employer knows exactly what they are expecting of you - it is up to you to develop ways to meet their expectations.

This session on Customer Value has encouraged me to develop a more organized approach to stay in touch with my supervisor to make sure I am fulfilling specific needs. It is not enough to do my 8:30-5:00 daily demands, these are preliminary requirements for keeping my job. I now want to add value by minimizing (hopefully eliminate) non-value added demands. By implementing an organized approach of staying in touch with my supervisor, I can better assess progress which will reflect on my annual "Performance Appraisals".

Anyone you come in contact with and can render a service is a customer of yours. By doing my homework now, I will be better prepared to offer the best customer value assistance needed at that time.

I am still striving... Thank you for your continued encouragement.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

After doing the homework I realize that Southwest does meet what I value as a customer. I have flown Southwest, complained about over crowed flights with them. However, I till keep booking flights with them because of their frequent flights and low prices. I don't really need an in flight meal.

I like the scenario about the restaurant, I used to work as a manager of a restaurant and if the food was not delivered on time it did make a backup of customer non-value added demand.


Customer Value

Hello CEO's

After going over the workbook I realize that knowing what your customer values is very important. It does not always coincide with your values. Having customer feed back is very important to your business also as Mr. Parker stated, "having a bridge between those who expect value and those commissioned to deliver it", is essential. If you do not know what your customer values you could lose them in the long run or never attract them. Receiving this type of information is critical to your business.


Understanding Value

Value - Everyone values somthing. This DVD has caused me to think about what My clients really Value about the service I provide them. I don't own my own business. But I still have clients I work for within the company I am employed. For example, my Boss. I also looked at myself as the CEO of my life. I am a client to myself. How can I better serve my needs so that I feel I am getting Value from the services I provide to myself. Are the services I provide myself really contributing to the things that I Value? Sounds selfish . . But how can I really provide my client value in the service I provide If I don't understand myself or what I value?

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Business Fundamentals

Hi Fellow CEO's

How is your business running? I am still striving... I do not technically own a business - but I technically own my actions. Watching this DVD and pondering over the review questions in the Workbook makes me know that I need to modify my thought directions. My life is what I think to make it. I want to add value to those I interact with in my family as well as my professional life. The more I practice this systematic approach to life, the better I will understand it and see an improvement in my life.

This endeavour has added such valuable information to my life. I promise myself - one day at a time - to discipline myself to do what I now know to do. The chain of circumstances that influences my life - I must be aware of and what I am doing wrong I must correct it. It is up to me - but it has been so wonderful to have you all on my side as support and encouragement. We are going to make it! We are going to make it all the way!!!

Organizing Your Time

Organizing your time is very important. For me, I tend to take more time to getting other things done but not really time just for me. When I do take time for me, I usually take an entire day to do nothing. However, if I plan daily to get things done as well as time for me, I wouldn’t need an entire day to do nothing. It will be scheduled in my daily life on a more consistent basis.

This DVD has given me the tools and approach to manage my time more effectively whether its business or personal. The tools provided will enable me to fulfill my commitments and make time for me. This DVD is also going to help me on my job. I always have unscheduled things that occur or issues that pop up that require my immediate attention to resolve. I have to accept that there will be things occurring unexpectedly (variable) that I can’t always control (i.e. systems going down) as much as I can with my fixed activity time.

I like what Mr. Parker said about giving each day a theme. By setting time a side for the things we need to do and sticking to it, will give us a sense of accomplishment. Taking it day by day and a little at a time will eventually lead to finishing a task verses feeling overwhelmed because you don’t think you have enough time to complete something.

Thinking organized, having a systematic approach, proper planning and balancing your time and understanding the demands associated with our lives will go a long way with Organizing Your Time. I will be the manager of my time and not the other way around…

Friday, September 7, 2007

Organize Your Money

I think EVERYONE needs to have this DVD. This was great. I have always had several savings accounts and two checking accounts for my survival spending, regular savings, an account for my taxes, car maintenance, etc. Receiving just about any service on your car can cost a lot of money, which is why I had a savings account just for that. After watching this DVD, I think I’m going to make some changes on the type of accounts that I have.

I purchased the In/Out Cash Management System a while ago. Sadly to say, I haven’t installed it, but watching this DVD has inspired me to install it. So Elealeh… I’m installing the system this weekend and you’ll probably get a call from me on Monday. From what I’ve seen about the In/Out Cash Management System, I really like the idea of being able to see all of your accounts on one spreadsheet as well as the ability to plan for the future. Although I have several accounts, until now, I didn’t have the ability to see all of my accounts on one spreadsheet.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

After listening to the DVD on Business Fundamentals I realize that I now have the foundation to be an entrepreneur. Instead of just being out there sinking or swimming on my own. I need to take more time and watch this over again. Because it is an excellent source of information.


Business Fundamentals

Hello Fellow Bloggers:

I never knew any of these business fundamentals. I never knew pens could the company money. I always thought they were just kidding. I will start looking at things in a different light.

After going over this You are a CEO roadmap to success I believe I have the tools I need to make a successful CEO in my life. I am appreciative for the opportunity to have been part of this program.


Business Fundamentals

Just 2 more to go on our roadmap to becoming a CEO!! So far, the information I have learned in the Executive Suite has been invaluable. It's funny how the informaiton in the suite is so practical and basic yet so many people go through life and never learn these principles of success. Many of these things I have never seen before and when I heard them for the first time I had a "duhh" moment. "Duhh, its so simple it should be obvious." Now that I have the information it's time to put it all together and practice what I've learned.

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Organizing My Time!

Hi Fellow CEO's!
Before I watched the Organize Your Time DVD, I took a few minutes to think about the five questions in the Workbook. I also completed the review questions and the case study activities. This was all very helpful in motivating me to "Plan to succeed".

Yes I have tried organizing my active day before, and I know from experience that activities that are planned are more likely to get done than those that are not - but with human nature it is easier to "go with the flow". So, with the guidelines of "Organize Your Time DVD and Workbook" I have again created a more realistic weekly / monthly schedule for myself that I will implement - starting...NOW!

BTW, I have maintained my first SAFE-T project and have competed a second. I have scheduled myself through discipline, perseverance and determination to reach my goal of a CEO 4 LIFE :-)

Thanks to all for your encouragement and confidence - we are well on our way...!